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Data Security

Your Data Belongs to You

Your health data contain sensitive information, so keeping them secure is a high priority for us. We only use any information we obtain for the benefit of your health.

First privacy-focused service on the market

Your data are in safe hands.

All handling of personal data is bound by strict GDPR rules. All your health data is always your property. We employ pseudonymization of all health data to guarantee your anonymity at all times. We only use your data to make tailored health recommendations for you.

You have complete control over your data.

You can download raw data anytime. You can use them in consultation with your doctor or specialist. If you cancel your user account, which can be done directly from the mobile app, your data will be completely and irreversibly removed.

How do our laboratories process your samples?

Our partner labs are committed to the security and protecting your privacy, they are certified and follow ISO 17025 quality compliance processes. All biological samples are immediately disposed of after analysis. Digital health data are also irreversibly deleted from laboratory servers after they are sent to Macromo. We only collaborate with laboratories based in the European Union to make sure we can deliver the highest data privacy standards.