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Macromo for Business

Let’s create the future of health care together.

Corporate Benefit

Differentiate your company from competitors and show you invest in the health your employees. Your team will be in better physical and mental condition, their productivity will increase at the same time.

Distribution Partner

Do you represent a clinic, pharmacy, e-shop, or work in the healthy lifestyle sector (beauty, fitness, nutritional consulting) and see potential in using DNA analysis in your business? Become a part of our distribution network.

Why implement Macromo in your company?

Early Detection of Risks

Your employees can prevent health complications ahead of time, thereby increasing their work efficiency, fitness, and life satisfaction. This will be reflected at home and in the workplace.

Higher Engagement

Show your employees that you are willing to invest in their health. You'll encourage loyalty, which will contribute to higher talent retention rates and positive company culture.

Personalized Prevention

Your employees will have their results securely stored in their own Macromo account. They can easily consult them with their doctor, nutritionist, or trainer.

See what Macromo can do for you.

Support your employees in their journey towards better health with Macromo tests as a corporate benefit. Or offer genetic testing to your clients, and join our distribution network. Connect with our sales team to learn more.

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